Frequently Asked Questions

How are the prints produced?
Our prints are produced on demand at a photo lab using state of the art machinery and inks. The paper stock used is Hahnenmühle Fine Art – a high performance surface ideal for obtaining vibrant colours and highest quality image reproduction.
This combination of top class printers, fine paper and inks cannot be compared to traditional offset productions or regular digital printing. We dare to say that the output we’re getting leaves the ordinary in the dust.
Do you ship internationally?
At the moment we’re only able to ship automatically to SWEDEN, DENMARK, FINLAND, GERMANY, BELGIUM, NETHERLANDS, UNITED STATES AND THE UK but we’re working on expanding our services. Please check back soon or drop us a line at and we’ll keep you posted on our progress.
We can send prints to international customers but such orders must at this point in time be dealt with outside our automized shop/print system. All handling and shipping will unfortunately take longer than usual since we’ll have to sort out orders manually rather than having prints sent straight from the printer/photo lab. Reach out to us on the email address above and we’ll do our best to help out.
How are prints delivered?
Prints are delivered by PostNord in Sweden, Finland and Denmark. Packages are given tracking numbers so you can follow the progression on PostNord’s website.
How long will I have to wait before I have my print?
Producing the print usually takes a day or two at the photo lab and then it’s likely to take a couple of days before you can collect the package at your local post office. So from door to door it takes about a week.
How do I pay for my print?
Our online payment solution is brought by Klarna – leading supplier of trustworthy and secure online payment services. The checkout procedure will provide you with several options on handling the payment for maximum comfort and security. 
My print has arrived but it is damaged. What should I do?
Please take photos of the damaged print and send those to us at along with your complaint and we’ll address the problem asap. While waiting for our response you can easily postpone your payment on Klarna’s website until we’ve resolved the matter and come to an agreement. Our aim is to have nothing but happy customers.
Can I buy the original drawing/painting?
Since all our images are created digitally – original artwork in a classical sense never comes into existence – the answer is no.
May I use a purchased print in a commercial realm, for instance on a book cover or in an advertisement?
No. Ownership of a print does not include any reproduction rights. This is basic copyright stuff.
Can I buy reproduction rights to an image and use it as an illustration for editorial purposes or in advertising?
No. Granting that kind of usage would deflate the value of prints bought by previous customers and constitute questionable business practice on our part. Even though prints could be called mass media we still want to safeguard a certain level of exclusiveness.
Can you frame my print for me?
At present we do not offer framing services simply because we haven’t yet been able to link the Dotling shop to a supplier we find attractive, but that may well change in the future. Framed prints are however both complicated and expensive to ship long distance.
I’ve found an image I really like but the optional sizes don’t fit my needs. Can I get the image in a bespoke size?
Yes you can. Drop us a line at and let us know what format you’d like the image in and we’ll get back to you asap.
Bespoke sizes involve manual labour on our part since motifs cannot be scaled automatically within our shop system and that will affect the price tag. 
If you have any other questions regarding our images or our services then please don’t hesitate to contact us at and we’ll do our best to answer and clarify,